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woman studies involves a lot of Man studies.

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If a woman wants a REAL Man, then she wants a Superior Dominant Man. A woman is what she is to a Superior Man.

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feminism is utterly erratic: it defends gender-equality, but it defends female freedom too; what if a woman freely prefers a Superior Man?. I know real life women normally prefer inferior men, but what if a woman freely chooses a Superior Man?.

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The definition of "woman" can be considered from two different but equivalent perspectives: A) what women say to superior Men they are; and B) what women say to inferior men they aren't

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Woman love

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women are so inferior that they're only cool if they're cool to superior Men. A superior Man's acceptance is the greatest achievement a woman can aspire to in her inferior female existence. A woman's superiority is the superiority of the Man she manages t

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Every woman completely knows how to be a perfect woman, but only when it is for a perfect Man. What inferior men meet is the anti-woman

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Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in order to get accepted by a superior Man, a woman has to affirm she's inferior. So you have this fact of feminists affirming inferior men women are superior, but reminding s

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Degradation and maltreatment are forcing a woman to do this for a man she doesn't like. Respecting the freedom of a woman to behave even like this for the man she chooses, is respecting that woman's rights, and therefore it's feminism.

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So when a woman is unhappy about her husband, she says she is unhappy about the kitchen life, because there's just one thing in this world that can make female inferiority unhappy: inferior men. A woman married to a superior man is a woman happy to stay a

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Woman liberation (so they don't think I'm a mysogynist against that movement am I right?)

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So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly runs the active seeking of a superior Man, and this seeking is even women's most important activity, even more important than trying to get respect, money, social status

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There are lots of blogs out there run by men on grandmas' sexiness, milfs' sexiness, thick girls' sexiness, even female amputees' sexiness. However you'll never see a blog run by a woman on old men's sexiness, fat men's sexiness, male amputees' sexiness,

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The kind of woman superior men choose is the kind of woman that needs, loves and chooses superior men

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A Man's prize is scientific and technological Progress ovr nature. A woman's prize is a Man; the more superior de Man, the happier, needier and more devoted the woman. Don't really talk science or technology to a woman when there is a superior Man in the

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Inferior feminist men think women are more than fuckmeat and so they're sex negative, so those men wouldn't dare to do any disrespectful thing to a woman. So these feminists are using their free-but-optimizing agency to proudly show off that feminism isn'

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The only genuinely and authentically happy woman is the woman accepted by a superior Man for her inferiority and for His inferior woman. Thanks to feminism, women have the freedom to submit their inferiority and dignity to superior Men, and the right to b

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Since superior Men won't be interested in her for her inner virtues, she'll have to interest those Men by means of her body. Yes, she'll have to do this, since otherwise she'll have to live on her own, without any superior Man, like a superior woman

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What is a woman, but the set of her abilities? Guess what? Yeah, women only apply their actual definition to Superior Men; Superior Men know well what women actually are.

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Personal inferiority entails the logical necessity of being picky when it comes to having a parner. This is why both women are picky about men and inferior men are picky about women. A real superior man would enjoy using and abusing every woman in the wor

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MD feminists: the fact that women try to use the sex they have with a man as a rejectional hurting method against other men is the psychological foundation of the male behavior of going less interested about sex with a woman if she had sex with other men

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Gents, remember: women are concerned about getting a male partner who's superior to other men (inferiority is logically picky about its partner the complementary gender). So being picky is womanly and inferior. This is y inferior men are picky about women

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A superior man can only be a woman's best and happiest option in life if that woman's inferiority is authentic. An inferior man is never a woman's best option. A woman's enjoyment of her abuse, degradation and mistreatment by a superior man is reciprocall

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The thing inferior men won't understand (given their very inferiority & inexperience) is that the funny thing is not the act itself of mistreating a woman; the funny thing is the fact itself of that woman wishing you to mistreat her because you are a

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A superior person never rejects an inferior person. A superior man would fuck every woman in the world if he could, and he'd never reject a woman into one of his harems. The only reason why a woman rejects a man is that she's inferior and there is another

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If a woman doesn't want 2 have a sexual relationship with a man she's an independent woman that uses her freedom. But if a man doesn't want to have an economic-professional relationship with a woman he's a sexist and she'll report him so the authorities w

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MD feminists: u need feminism for getting respect, social status, affirmative action, presidencies and money from inferior men, but u need it too for pleasing superior men. To a superior man, it's sexier if the woman submitting to him is a feminist

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In order not to be treated as inferior by a woman, a superior man will show his superiority. In order not to be treated as inferior by a man, a woman will choose to be treated as inferior by another different man (superior to the former). A woman's superi

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A superior man doesn't need to allow and won't allow any woman to address him in other terms than 'Sir' or 'Master' (as long as that woman wants to have the chance to interact with him). Inferior men might try the same, but women will laugh at them

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No superior woman would ever need to pretend or fake she's inferior; female inferiority and female submission to superior men aren't fake, only female superiority is. female superiority is the simulated, fantasy role wymyn play against inferior men

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A hypothetical superior woman would not like being treated like an inferior woman for the simple reason that she's not inferior. But an inferior woman doesn't like being treated as inferior either if it has to be done by inferior men, bc being treated as

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So a woman will try to make inferior men elect her president because her husband was a president. There is a reason to female biological inferiority's hypergamy. A woman's superiority is her male partner's superiority

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So an inferior man wants a woman's body; a superior man wants a woman's consent, even her begging, & her happy will to get her degradation accepted by that superior man. Inferior men want women's body because they can't win their consent, and this is

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I'd like to be ridden by a curvy woman...

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Men, Woman, you name it, I'm into it :)

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I've always wanted to see how a smaller woman could handle me

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