The perfect way of gaining inferior men's interest is saying bad, offensive and degrading things about them; but, Maledom ladies, if you want to be accepted by a Superior Man, you better talk very nice things about Him.
I'm sorry kiddo, mommy will only leave you here in this basket for a few minutes. I just need to talk to dad for a bit, don't want to keep him waiting with the engine running. Be nice to strangers! Bye. ✊
[F] It took <2 hours to find a cock on tinder and get him to jerk off on my tits. My last night of being a bad little girl before the BF gets home tomorrow. I had to keep the streak going... and such nice load, I might need to call him up again ;)
[F] It took <2 hours to find a cock on tinder and get him to jerk off on my tits. My last night of being a bad little girl before the BF gets home tomorrow. I had to keep the streak going... and such nice load, I might need to call him up again ;) [Req