f19 5'9" 145 please rate me honestly and give reasons! it took a lot of courage to take to the internet but im curious what others think of my body. Also to all males or f, would you say i am skinny/average/chubby/overweight or somewhere in between those?
What's the matter, cuz? We're family, after all. No reason to be uncomfortable-- besides, I know they're nice to look at. Let me help you with your boxers and we'll see how comfortable we can get.
I know the original reason I made this album may not be to all your tastes, but I need encouragement from you guys to keep squatting! I'm going to the gym soon!
Your mom knows how much you hate the school principal. Today he made up a completely fake reason to give you detention, but when you got home you understood why he wanted you out of the house. Now he's threatened to expel you unless you stay and watch him
Her irritating mouth ran like a fucking chatterbox as she complained about me in the principal's office. So that was the first thing i destroyed of hers and claimed to be mine once i forcefully invaded your house. Also it was just "one" of the many reason