Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in order to get accepted by a superior Man, a woman has to affirm she's inferior. So you have this fact of feminists affirming inferior men women are superior, but reminding s
There are 2 possible claims a feminist can allege a Superior Man for being accepted by Him: a) Accept me cause I'm superior to you and I can help you; or b) Accept me cause I'm inferior to you and I need your help. Since this image doesn't seem to fit the
When you are so inferior that you can't offer anything authentically important in order to get appreciated and accepted by others, then you logically need to beg another person to accept you despite your inferiority. In this case you won't logically beg a
So, sorry MD feminists, but not agreeing with the superior Men you prefer's concept that women are inferior is not sexy to those superior Men you prefer. Superior Men, thanks to their superiority, only accept women who accept and worship their Male superi
MD Gentlemen, don't be afraid of considering women are inferior or of treating women as inferior, since that's exactly the favour that women need you to do for them: to accept their inferiority and to accept them despite knowing they are inferior
Gents, remember that it's not your ability to approach women that makes you attractive and so accepted by women; it's your attractiveness (***that makes you get accepted by women***) that enables you to successfully approach women. Approaching the gym is
So Gents, remember: even if you could get accepted by a woman as an inferior man, *you* don't want to be accepted by a woman as an inferior man, but as a superior, gym man. So it's not simply about what she wants; it's about what *you* want. So one way or
So MD feminists, remember: you don't get a superior man to accept you into one of his harems for free; you have to earn it. So hard training is good for you
You know a Woman has fully accepted Male Rule, when as soon as she wakes up, she gives top priority to cooking her Man's breakfast, over her petty feminine needs like having her hair done or getting dressed
You catch your bully fucking your busty gf. You can't stop them. So you accept it like a good boy and let them continue. They are kind enough to let you watch.
Your bully wants your mom once everyday to stop bullying you. You were surprised how fast she accepted that. You never got to know if she accepted for you or herself.
For years now, you have had a deal with your old school bully. He leaves you alone, but if you're dating someone, he gets to have a go with her before you sleep together. The girls either call you a pervert and leave, or accept and meet up with him. Eithe