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actual person pictures and galleries

Lets get some more sharing! Heres some ACTUAL festival ladies - in all their glory. No "Parade girls" here ;) (includes a few from my personal collection)

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To the person who wrote (M)e I'm to old for this. Maybe you're right. I'm not a 23 year old stud, actually I'm 15 years older than that, working a fulltime job and minding my own business... Here's for turning the cheek, or beard if you like...

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M/28/5'10" [209lbs > 166lbs = 43lbs] For the first time in my life I actually like the person I see in the mirror.

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Personal favorite, I actually did several drawings of this a while back.

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Personal Service Provider

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Take away her accent and personality, and Raven could actually be considered attractive

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