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CONFIRMED FAKE: Daniella Lanio IS NOT hooking, though someone is using her pics to con people

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It's the nifty little things in life... (though if someone could tell me what these *actually* are and what they're used for I'd appreciate it)

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Though you can't see the actual genitalia, her butt is definitely revealing some clenching

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Sis and I didn't actually drink to celebrate New Year's Eve. Though luckily, her friends did.

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Even though I welcome the Empire here for S.L.A.V.E. Con, seeing a Goddess actually enjoying herself as an Empire slave makes me think of her as a Fallen Lady.

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31M/5'11"/Before (left, 382 lbs), After (right, 357.2 lbs). This is primarily from a diet and portion adjustment over the past 3 months [I actually started the year off at 390 lbs, max weight last year was 428 lbs; no pics from those times though]

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