One of the differences between hippie and maledom movements is hippie movement sort of remained in the past because the internet didn't exist then, but maledom movement coexists with the internet for future generations to know about their parents, ancesto
Now that feminism is another oppressive system, can you guess what will be the first concealed but fundamental rule of this oppressive feminism? Exactly: all women are under the obligation to prefer and choose superior Men. Which is one of those freedom i
You have all those popular feminists complaining about female devotion and submission to superior Men, but then those feminists themselves are the ones devoting & submitting to superior Men. So you have those feminists complaining about their own devo
female inferiority logically needs to use sex as a privilege granted by the woman to the man. But this is a double-edged sword: something can only work as a privilege if awarded to just one person. Once granted to more than one man, sex no longer can work