While her man is fucking one of his other women, she cleans the house for his comfort. Then she'll give him more sexual pleasure, so he can go to work in a positive mood.
So, once we have established a working definition of woman according to this subreddit (i.e., the "maledom definition" or "Superior Man's definition" of woman), as simple pieces of fuck-meat for a superior Man, women can decide better whether they subscri
So women can be simply defined as superior man pursuing inferior fuck meat. Inferior men are incapacitated for apprehending the authentic extent of the accuracy of that definition by their very inferiority and the lack of experience caused by that inferio
A superior person never rejects an inferior person. A superior man would fuck every woman in the world if he could, and he'd never reject a woman into one of his harems. The only reason why a woman rejects a man is that she's inferior and there is another
MD feminists, remember: in order to be liked by inferior men, you have to show off you're a feminist. In order to be liked by a superior man, you have to show off you're just a worthless inferior piece of fuck meat
So a woman rejects a man because she is picky, and she is picky because she is inferior and so she needs a superior man. A superior man, however, would fuck every woman in the world if he could
The imprisoned Senator anxiously awaits her next brutal fucking by the Patriarch. Every night she is forced to share a warm bed, with the Ogre who has caused more pain, suffering and tears to her sex than any man in history. all she can do is moan, as her
Pathetically small asian dick being fondled and humiliated by a white man. "This is why all the asian girls only date white guys, and why asian boys get fucked in the ass."