When picking up groceries, my wife pointed out the ass of the girl at the checkout counter. We told her we needed help taking it to the car, and then help taking it to our house, and then help in the bedroom.
We all know the type. She feeds off the attention. Everyone tells her she's pretty and well dressed. They all treat her like she's classy and proper. Secretly, she wishes somebody would just grab her and facefuck her like a worthless, dirty whore.
We can define post-truth as a new form of politics where the things said aren't like the real world, but the real world is like the things said (whether true or not). A perfect example of post-truth methodology is feminism: real life women are as superior
My sister and I grew up in an extremely religious household, which meant no self pleasure at all. So when we need to satisfy ourselves, we need to find a place away from home where we can jerk one off. Today was my turn to keep lookout.
There you are. There you go. Good boy. See? We don't need any toys. All you need to do, the ONLY thing you need to do, is please me. And oh, you've made a wonderful start. Oh, no, no. Don't speak. Don't stop. You stay down there. Good boy.