F21, 5'2'' 110lbs--I've always had a turbulent relationship with my body whether it's been much bigger or much smaller than now, but I've found peace and love my body for what it can do: the mountains I can hike, yoga poses I can hold, and the adventures
23/F/5'4/205lbs - Hired a PT 2 months ago and seeing awesome progress. Fixed my diet (paleo for the most part) but always have been insecure about how much I WEIGH. Why am I so dang heavy?! Honest feedback is always appreciated
24/F/5'1''/120lbs. Recently someone posted some of my nudes to r/PerkyChubby without my consent. I always thought "chubby" was just something I'd think of myself in my not so great moments, but apparently other people see it as an accurate description. I