
try search and because on or or or duckduckgo

and because pictures and galleries

And the crash of the ocean

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Teasing my underwear [f] and because you all wanted me to show some love because it's been awhile :)

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Because of the implication

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Because yeah, you probably didn't want to fuck her already

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And she's pissed...

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And yet she carries on her magical endeavour (x-post /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob)

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...and now the other eye

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Because green is good

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And a couple more pics in sheer pantyhose, one with shoes, one without - because some guys them and some don't!

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[pic] Because its Faye… And because she’s pushing her creamy tits together for us

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because you all seem to love her so much, and because i karma whore in here.

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Because in modern developed countries, women choose the jobs that suit their needs.

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Because a superior man wouldn't need superior women; and superior women wouldn't need a superior man.

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Because femininity isn't toxic; it's feminist

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Because you're worth it

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As nations become more developed, wealthier, more feminist and there is more professional freedom in them, women no longer make money by way of their body due to criminal coercion, poverty, etc, but because they choose that way of making money and because

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Because women enjoy sex as much as men right?

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And now the fun begins...

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Because if we were equal, then coupling would be unnecessary right?

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And again - Jennifer Ann

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And that's how you get lower back problems

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And Another

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And This :)

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And Another One

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And now for something completely different.

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TIL that it is indeed grammatically correct to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction (i.e., "and," "because," etc.).

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And now the student becomes the master; feat. Twilight Sparkle & Celestia [humanized] (artist: razalor)

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Another feminist proudly showing off how good she is at being stupid. She does this because she knows superior men wouldn't need smart superior women and so they genetically prefer stupid inferior girls, and because the authenticity of her stupidity makes

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Because we shouldn't omit that the country granting the immense majority of the Nobel prizes important in sciences to men is the most feminist country in the world

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And other of Viola

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Because... Boobs

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Here’s one more for good fortune, and because we are having fun ;)

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And my juicy plums

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And here's some evening freedom

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And jeans.

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Because you betrayed your mommy and sent your bully an ass pic of her and loved it. He would take out his frustration on her instead of you.

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