So women are inferior and useless, but, and so, offering their carnal inferiority to superior Men is their "defense", both in general and particularly concerning inferior men
hypergamy isn't stupid, so feminists have their own win-win position concerning inferior men: if feminists have 2 b mistreated according 2 their inferiority, they'll only allow superior men 2 do it; but if they have 2 accept inferior men, they'll have 2 b
Gents, remember: women are concerned about getting a male partner who's superior to other men (inferiority is logically picky about its partner the complementary gender). So being picky is womanly and inferior. This is y inferior men are picky about women
Dignity, that is, the fact of not being treated as inferior by somebody else oneself is not inferior to, is something female inferiority can logically have only concerning men that are inferior too. & this is why women see their submission to superior
The media are getting it wrong; the main concern here isn't the rise of new thoughts on masculinity, but the new status of the awareness of women attempting to get from inferior men the femini$m they should b demanding from the superior men their female i
Inferior men think that if women are inferior they should submit to everyone as such. Inferior men don't understand women's inferiority isn't the only concern involved, but whether the man is superior or inferior counts too. women only submit to the super
[#7DaysofAoi] [SSNI-485] To Whom It May Concern, I (A Man Who Loves His Wife) Coveted My Unfriendly And Bookish Neighbor (With Huge Tits) While Away On Business And Ended Up Fucking Her 1080p - Starring "Aoi"
Another [f]irst from me this morning. This time it's a strip tease style gif... But I'm concerned it may be a tad too long. Thoughts? Mondays can be tough so I'm hoping this helps put a smile on some faces. Sharing is caring and all that...
Well, this 50(F) MILF has been struggling with hitting the BIG 5-0 a few months ago. Thanks to a LOT of concern by my followers, I agreed to take a few pics today as the sun was out. If there's enough love.... I may post my sun worshiping pics.
After you quit the gym due to the harassment of the asshole owner, you were wary when he offered to be the personal trainer to your girlfriend. She accepted of course, and despite your concerns, you couldn't deny she came home each night glowing and satis