So this sex positive feminist does not subscribe to slut-shaming: she's proud of being just an inferior cum dump to the superior Men she needs and prefers. In fact, actually she's not a feminist, that's just what people think
So yes, smart women don't like men who think women are brainless fuckmeat. And ALL women prefer and aspire to superior Men who need nothing from women and who think women are just inferior brainless fuckmeat
Her submission to you is full of nuances and subtle conditions so she seems to be submitting to you but she really isn't? In reality she thinks you're not a superior Man and she'll leave you as soon as she runs into one
So it's the fact that female carnal inferiority submits and offers itself because it needs to get accepted and taken by the superiority of superior men that makes inferior men think, given these men's mental inferiority, women want to be taken by inferior
MD feminists: this subreddit is just for fun, but fun is serious business and I think it is a good moment to realize that shit can gradually get real, so stay tuned; maybe r/MD can give u some helpful tips about things to avoid in order to win the next el
Hi! I’m A, I’m 27, I’m queer, and I’m new here on Reddit. I’m a newbie little who would love to explore my sexuality and discover my kinks, and I think this is the best place to do so. So here’s a bit of a sneak peek, and here’s to taking that small (well
So there's you, browsing sexsells, and you come across this post and think "damn that's a nice bootyhole" but you aren't sure if a bootyhole is enough to really spice things up and that's where my charming personality comes in! More info inside