women's studies says it's disrespect only if you do it without her consent. Turns out this implies it is not disrespect if you do it with her consent. So this axiom is the secret back door women's studies keeps for protecting equality defenders' preferenc
The new oppressive-coercive feminism that thinks consent isn't enough and female freedom is an illusion decides that even 1st world women are forced into prostitution (thus coercing free women into not choosing prostitution), but it then wants prostitutio
feminists think reddit is misogynistic. No; *feminism* is misogynistic. feminism is misogynistic when it says female consent is not enough, when it says women are not free to prefer Patriarchy, or when it says women are not free to prefer polygyny
MD feminists: the superior men your female inferiority needs and prefers are scarce and so they're not for free, but you must strive hard to earn the privilege of their acceptance. So remember that consent is not enough, begging is, and always do your bes