Indiana. The Midwest has very high value relative to money in escort terms, though girls in most college towns won't do it because they're afraid of running into professors or friends's dads. Still, money is money and puss is cheap. Cheap is beautiful but
Indiana update. The Midwest still has very high value relative to money in escort terms, though girls in most college towns won't do it because they're afraid of running into professors or friends's dads. Still, money is money and puss is cheap. Cheap is
I haven't shared in a long time. I've been so busy being an adult. My daddy works 7 days a week, 40+ hrs; he is starting his own business with a friend, and still finds time to be the best daddy.
My Man has lost a ton of weight and STILL doesn't see how sexy he is. Can ya'll help me tell him he's smokin? (This Modest Picture is the best he'll give me)
In other words: own destruction, degradation and pain is still and as well another "kind of benefit or pleasure" a person can offer and submit when they're so inferior (women) that they can't produce any positive creation that is important and superior
Thanks to the freedom feminism has brought to women, she can get her asshole destroyed and still say it's empowering, pleasurable and she loves sex. Because, in the end, what is a greater act of freedom than choosing what is worst for you? That free are w
The didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia potentially within the last 1,500 years and still in widespread use today both in Australia and around the world [Wikipedia]