So yeah, women are free to be feminist and superior, but we are free to not be interested in them and we are free to not choose them; we are free to prefer inferior, carnal women.
Not all women are like the ones shown here. We all know real life women aren't picky about men and they prefer inferior men, specially in their youth and years of party. women give their best thing, their inner beauty, to inferior men, and they give their
Hi All. My wife and I have been seriously considering letting a man join us, but she thinks she is not hot. she said if we can get 50 positive comments on her pic she will agree to a dude joining us. PLEASE Help!! we are in Boston
We can define post-truth as a new form of politics where the things said aren't like the real world, but the real world is like the things said (whether true or not). A perfect example of post-truth methodology is feminism: real life women are as superior
u/Ebony_Temptress has called us to action: Truce or not, the Imperials are simply not welcome on Matriarchy soil. We taught a lesson to a couple of them who didn't flee in time ...