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awkward moment when pictures and galleries

That awkward moment when Jesus is watching.

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That awkward moment when your semi-erect dick flops forward while trying to take a photo...

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Awkward moment when...

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That awkward moment when your son finds you fucking his sister...

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That awkward moment when your semi-erect dick flops forward while trying to take a photo...

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That awkward moment when you catch your boyfriend fucking another woman... and he doesn't stop until he's finished.

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That awkward moment when his cock is bigger than you and your friends face.

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That awkward moment when you realize you should knocked first.

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#bimboproblems: that awkward moment when you didn't even realize your dress was ripped

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That awkward moment when you realize that you're sexually attracted to George Costanza

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That awkward moment when your own hair becomes your prison...

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