When inferiority is real the inferior person uses their inferior traits as superior & beautiful bc they're their best traits. But as those traits r worthless their worth can only subjectively rely on other people's acceptance. This is y women r happy
The difference between Male & female genders is a superior man won't allow women to treat him as inferior bc of the actuality of his superiority, but a woman won't allow a man 2 treat her as inferior bc she can be treated as inferior by another man wh
Gents: approaching a feminist can b chivalrous only if she *earned your approach*, which means she let u know she's interested in u (women can do this without using words or approaching). Otherwise u r approaching her bc u r an inferior man, & inferio
(38)(OC) he said he wouldn't cum home w me tonight bc he liked me too much & we're going out again tomorrow...but all I can think of is using his cock.
[F,20] This is from work last night - I’m the one in the middle with no tattoos lol. Maybe now you can see why I get self conscious at work bc all of my dancer friends are so gorgeous