My girlfriend thinks her beautiful-voluptuous-boom-in-your-face-Puerto Rican-yummy-ass is big and disgusting. (She is used to being thin and small but has "bloomed" over the last year or so) Help me help her see what I see. So hard not to touch. ALL...the
So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior Men they need, worship and praise. In fact, women are so inferior and despicable, that not being respected by Superior Men is the only method they can use to be accepted by
The problem with being mixed heritage is that your body hair can't decide weather it wants to be straight or curly. Feeling better about myself since I started my diet. I know I'm not the most defined guy, but I'm happy! M/23 London.
feminists only want to be mistreated by superior men and so to prevent inferior men from mistreating them. When women refuse to submit, it's not because it's indecent or immoral, but because the man they're supposed to submit to isn't superior
MD feminists: picking superior men is NOT the wrong, guilty or mean thing (everyone would need to be hypergamous if they were inferior); the mean guilty thing is the attempt to use oneself's inferiority's preference for superior men as a fighting weapon a
Put on your sister's clothes and makeup, or mommies, or roommates, or buy your own. Just be a pretty white sissy faggot. You have no exscuse not to be pretty for real men. You too can be a pretty little girl, just like u/outdoors_but_inside
Bought this because it looks cool. Not really into any Kink / BDSM scenes. What's this supposed to be used for exactly and what are fun things to do with it? I'm sure you all know more than me. Thanks! I think it's made of PVC or Vinyl, and the only thing