So would you like to know how could you get feminists shutting down feminism in less than two years? Because that's what you're going to have once you manage to make womyn fully understand that being a complete, consummate feminist entails dropping Superi
Since superior Men won't be interested in her for her inner virtues, she'll have to interest those Men by means of her body. Yes, she'll have to do this, since otherwise she'll have to live on her own, without any superior Man, like a superior woman
This is a special post - read the comments if you like my work at all. The link here goes to what I did today, but in the comments, you'll find albums of everything I have published.
20/F/4'7/5 months pregnant with second baby I've always hated my body because I have no curves it's literally like a little girls body and my height doesn't help! My bf says I'm beautiful & perfect but I don't believe it since I don't see myself that
Patrice Brown AKA Paris Monroe is a fourth grade teacher in Atlanta that is under fire right now by parents and media all because of the way she dresses. I like it :)
MD feminists, remember: in order to be liked by inferior men, you have to show off you're a feminist. In order to be liked by a superior man, you have to show off you're just a worthless inferior piece of fuck meat
Political correctness doesn't mean women's right not to be treated like inferior people by inferior men women aren't inferior to can only translate into inferior men having to treat women like superior people, but feminism knows the inferior men's inferio
Superior men can have an interaction/noninteraction mentality: their alternative 2 treating women like inferior people is 2 not interact with them. Inferior men have an inferiority/superiority mentality: their alternative 2 treating women like inferior pe