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because it hurts pictures and galleries

If your butt cheeks hurt from dancing and your face cheeks hurt from smiling, you did it right

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College student who still gets naked in the locker room here. Mostly because I love to watch the straight boys trying not to stare.

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I usually don't post here because while my cock is certainly above average, I wouldn't call it massive. However, I woke up with the hardest, throbbing, skin ripping erection this AM. Just thought I'd share ;)

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Little worried about posting this one because it shows more of me, but fuck it

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Repost because I deleted the wrong dupe on imgur

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Didn't get a lot of love on my previous post, maybe because it was christmas and a lot of people were busy?

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Just because you're thin doesn't mean you can't have killer hips

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Somebody reported me and my account got deleted. I have pretty big thighs from years of playing rugby and squats. I get a lot of negativity because of them. I guess it's sucks I can't always wear skinny jeans :)

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I hope this belongs here because my cum definitely belonged somewhere else

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I always post around this time because I want to be sure you wake up with my dick on your feed

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I'm up at 8 am, but only because I havent slept yet!

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I was so hard, it was hurting. figured it'd be a better idea to pull it out and deal with it

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