Going through my mom's phone wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. The worst part of it all wasn't finding out that my dad is a cuck, or even seeing my mom get facefucked by a big black cock.. it was knowing that the bully from my class was the one do
The local black bullies think it is funny to tease you by saying your mom has a slutty tattoo. But you know she would never have something like that, right?
Your bully came up with an idea that your mom couldn't refuse. In exchange for taking his big black cock and having his way with her. Your bully would give you protection and security at school.
When your old-time bully broke into your house you had expected him to face repercussions due to your wife being on the force. Yet despite all the evidence, including a black eye, she forced you to drop all charges and even gave the asshole a ride home!