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body confident pictures and galleries

Confidence with body to match

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F 50+ and the most confident I've ever been about my body. Life doesn't end at 30 so don't be afraid to get older.

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20F / 129lbs / 5'8" Not very confident in my body after 50lb weight loss. My breasts are uneven and sagging and my thighs are covered in stretch marks.

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F 21, had a baby 6 months ago. Insanely droopy breasts, potato body. How can I be confident in such an unattractive body?

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I have a naturally square ass due to high hips (hip dip) and I hate it. This might help my confidence a bit. I'm really trying to love my body but my ass is where I can't seem to change or love myself.

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M/22/6'4" 205lbs...I recently lost around 100lbs, but I'm still uncomfortable with the way my body looks and my self-esteem is low. Hoping that this helps my confidence grow.

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27 5'11" 175lbs former chubby guy finally fit and confident in my body

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M-25. I've lost 100+ lbs over the last year and a half and I'm still not 100% confident with my body. I'm working on it though.

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21 M, 6'4 170. I have confidence issues but I like my body, wanted to share

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25M. Not confident in my body at all, can't seem to shift belly and hip fat.

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36/M 5'9" 152 lbs. I'm very insecure about my body and don't think I'm very attractive because of my scrawny upper body. I've always felt like my penis is kind of small, too. I am extremely shy and lack self-confidence. I would love to hear your opinions,

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20/m 155lb 5'7" Not the most confident about my body

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[F 30] I have no confidence in my body right now

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[f] never felt particularly confident about my body, but recently lost some weight. Thoughts?

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6'4'' at 190lbs, lost body fat, gained muscle - I'm starting to feel more and more confident walking around naked.

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Small ass, tight body, confident smirk

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How to show off your perfect naked body with confidence without violating any social media policies

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Confident enough to wear that body stocking in public?

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[F]ull body - 50 lb weight loss - short legs, large ribcage, low muscle mass. More confident overall, but disappointed with breast size/shape.

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25 male, confident with body but some say too hairy

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M/26/6'0/190 - Happy with some aspects of my body, but having trouble being completely confident in myself.

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25 M 5'9" 130lb. Making an effort to improve my self confidence and body image. Hoping to gain some agency in my sexuality. Kinda self conscious over being uncircumcised as well as my duplicate urethra.

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Just had a nasty breakup. (M)y ex went and told everyone including friends that my penis is way below average. Killing my barely existing body confidence (sorry if it's sexual)

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Feeling confident and happy with my body!

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[M 5'8", 145-150] I'm a grower, not a shower, and 12 years of body acne have wrecked my confidence

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30M/6'2"/180. Feeling more confident about my body lately with some help from this sub(2nd time poster, new account). Going to the nude beach next week to even upthe farmers tan.

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[M] The part of my body that gives me the most confidence/insecurity issues. I'm hesitant to post this, but I know there are others out there that suffer from acne too.

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25 6 ft 150 pounds. Been very insecure about my body lately. Had a ex mention my size for the first time and hurt my confidence

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[M][21] Fairly confident, Ex Cam-Model for Chaturbate looking for some honest opinions about my body :). (1 nude pic and 1 close-up pic)

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Body confidence

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[F]eeling more body confidence lately. 11lb down in 1 month, 49 to go!

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For anyone struggling with body confidence issues, this photo gallery is for you. Love your body!

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Confident flattie not shy about her body (x-post from /r/aa_cups)

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F29, 5'3", 130lbs. I posted a couple years ago and was completely shocked by the beautiful and kind responses I got. I still don't always feel very confident, but recently felt a surge of confidence and took these. Figured it may be time to share again!

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36F/5'6"/150 lbs. Lost weight and gained lots of body confidence. I don't mind my imperfections any more, thanks to this sub. Starting a new job on Monday and never felt so confident about myself!

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Finally starting to feel body confident... and just confident in general?

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