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bread and bread pictures and galleries

Queenxtc, a girl whose breath smells like ripe bananas when you pick her up at the light-rail stop—not so much like bananas but like mom's homemade banana bread; she is the kind of girl who eats Paleo, and it emboldens you, but not enough to change your l

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Marina Abramovic's performance piece Rhythm0, 1974: For 6 hours she let the audience do anything they chose to do to her body. She provided objects ranging from bread and honey to a scalpel, scissors, a gun, & a bullet [xpost /r/pics]

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Wonder Bread.

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Bread dough. I wonder if he baked and ate it after he finished? [Xpost from /r/wtf]

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Cheese Bread

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Mandy Mitchell is still the best thing since sliced bread

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Tits and banana bread, the photos the boyf receives

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45yo, 5' 9", 211lbs...need to lose 25-30lbs. Cutting out beer and bread...what are some good snacks that'll make me feel full?

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Man simply cannot live by bread alone

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I'm doggy sitting at a family friend's house and they have a hello kitty toaster that toasts hello kitty onto the bread!!!!! There's also four little tiny doggies and three snuggly kitties, I'm in baby girl heaven

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Aftermath of a giant order of pasta, a loaf of cheese bread and a 2L of soda o.o

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My mom got breaded like this for a straight but a line of strangers. They all grabbed her hips and nicked into her when they nutted too.

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As soft and mellow as freshly baked bread [oc]

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My two fav things about visiting my southern relatives is sneaky lewd photos with biblical decoration backgrounds and corn bread

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