[Top Me Tuesday] There are many asses my cock enjoys playing in, but only my boy's ass gets it so excited those veins pop out. Here's my cock enjoying the #1 place it's supposed to be: my boy's sweet ass. We're married, we bareback. That's mine.
Anyone else have a thing for certain hairstyles? I've always loved Belinda Carlisle's late 80s punk hairstyle. It's short enough to show off her shoulders and neck but long enough it moves around and keeps getting in her face and she keeps brushing it bac
The media are getting it wrong; the main concern here isn't the rise of new thoughts on masculinity, but the new status of the awareness of women attempting to get from inferior men the femini$m they should b demanding from the superior men their female i
Never done requests before, but really love receiving tributes...hottest tribute in our inbox by tonight gets a personal request fulfilled. Use anything in our post history you want, but here is something new to get it started ;) Show me what you got?