[pty] Are you curious about what a thong looks like after having a silent bullet vibrator in your panties for 3 hours while on campus? How about the way it smells and tastes? Check the comments for a gusset picture, but buyer beware, it is VERY creamy ;)
feminism is utterly erratic: it defends gender-equality, but it defends female freedom too; what if a woman freely prefers a Superior Man?. I know real life women normally prefer inferior men, but what if a woman freely chooses a Superior Man?.
This is my ass. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My ass is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my ass is useless. Without my ass, I am useless.
I took this screenshot from an advert while I was watching hentai. I want to know what hentai is it, but it was behind a paywall when I checked out the source. Anyone know what hentai this is?
Never done requests before, but really love receiving tributes...hottest tribute in our inbox by tonight gets a personal request fulfilled. Use anything in our post history you want, but here is something new to get it started ;) Show me what you got?
You just got a message of what your wife is doing at her job’s New Year’s party. It seems she got tipsy and is giving her handsome boss a nice show. But don’t worry, nothing is going to happen. ;)
She sighed, "Honestly baby, what was the point of having me go through the trouble of growing this massive thing if all you ever want to do is take pictures of it and look at me naked? I mean, I like the attention, but can you at least kiss it or touch it