20F, 5'6 250 lbs, gained ALOT of weight due to pcos, lost 30 but now in a slump. I try to stay positive and healthy though, i figure if I love my body I'll be more kind to it! Here's my "normal nude" :)
F21, 5'2'' 110lbs--I've always had a turbulent relationship with my body whether it's been much bigger or much smaller than now, but I've found peace and love my body for what it can do: the mountains I can hike, yoga poses I can hold, and the adventures
You can't see it in the photo - i'll have to make another of better quality - but i'm 20 weeks now and my nipples have started to leak! My belly shows a lot more when i'm not lying down.
That was a hard choice but I think this is my favorite pic of /u/mrs_gault . She looks so sexy in every post but I love the smile here. Tag, you are it.
[18] [F] I love my striped thigh highs, guessing you do now too! And I think I have a nice booty, wish it was bigger, but it seems to get the job done. No complaints yet at least. =P
My baby understand and enjoys my need to be humiliated, or as I call it, telling the truth. I was ignoring facts for so long but now I accept reality and find it very sexy to finally hear honesty. Would love to hear what you guys think about my useless cl
Went from an eating disorder to over weight. And now what i think is normal for my body. I go from thinking in to fat to thinking I'm to straight. But fuck it, i love my love handles! [F24] 5'4" 150lbs
So guys, the soft pubic hairs around my anus. I used to shave/wax them off, now I love them. But for you, is it a turn-on or turn-off and why? When I am ready to date/hookup again, I so need a man to lick me after a long hot sweaty walk