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Repost, but this is so good it needs to be seen some more. Kim Possible - Oh Betty. Best nsfw comic IMHO.

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Not sure how this is possible, but I hope so too!!

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How am I so thin but I have a huge ass? Squats. Taking requests trying to do all of them if possible!!

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So if a woman rejects inferior men and she picks the best possible man she finds, she's a smart modern feminist who uses her freedom wisely and whose choice must be respected. But if a man only accepts women that submit to him, his masculinity is toxic

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So if feminists expect men to cultivate their superiority as much as possible, then it is fair that men expect women to cultivate their inferiority as much as possible. But if feminists want men to accept strong superior women, then feminists themselves s

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I am very insecure about myself, but ever since joining this subreddit I received lots of love and kind words. So here's possibly my only reveal for you guys and the community --<3 with love!

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