This is my roommate in SAE, who for obvious reasons walks around naked all the time. It makes me so embarrassed but also so turned on to be in the showers with him. He texted a bunch of us this pic as a joke when he was drunk. Face removed.
This is me when I woke up this morning. I wish I had a smaller waist and fuller boobs but I started working out again recently so I'm feeling positive [f] [25] 5'6" 145 lbs
This is my ass. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My ass is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my ass is useless. Without my ass, I am useless.
24F 5'1" 120lbs. Feeling a bit down after someone took it upon themselves to PM me about how my stomach and butt are not so good and that I should be a lot more fit at my age. Thanks to everyone who supported me, but this is likely my last post here. Good
This is my ass. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My ass is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my ass is useless. Without my ass, I am useless.
40m. Updates. I've started lifting more and cycling one or two times a week. My weight is still around the 260lb zone but I feel like I've traded fat for muscle. This is me relaxed then flexed.
This is a heads up for all of my sexyy fans... please do not add me on kik without messaging me here first and getting permission. I adore all my fans but the response Is insane . I only ever play or trade on kik on date nights. So only a few nights a wee