I was going to title this one "black hole" but I didn't want to confuse anyone, so I just wrote out this title instead... and I still said "black hole"
One night in Mexico a crab infiltrated our room. My gf valiantly sprung forth to battle the intruder - but I just thought "wow, r/facedownassup will love this". Priorities.
I promised another Dp pic this one is not nearly as intimate but still pretty good. the camera was on a tripod and set to just keep shooting every minute or so. she loves the feeling of being filled up by 2 cocks.
If one didn't know better, you'd think he was one of my favorite actors or something. Getting through this life is hard enough as it is, but when your childhood gets a finality put on it via a death of one of your favorite people, well it just plain sucks
female inferiority, namely women themselves, has just ONE goal & dedication in life: the superior Man. This entails rejecting inferior men, but since superior Men r scarce, women have engineered feminism 2 capitalise on inferior men's servility &
female inferiority logically needs to use sex as a privilege granted by the woman to the man. But this is a double-edged sword: something can only work as a privilege if awarded to just one person. Once granted to more than one man, sex no longer can work
Normally found in pairs, it is uncommon to see just one tit in the wild. But this white-breasted booby has ventured out alone, truly a remarkable sighting!
Ever fantasize about secretly watching a woman get herself off? You can’t see everything, but you can see just enough. (F, 43) (you’re going to want the sound with this one!)
So may sound bad ,,, but I found this on the ground while I was out.... had to try it .... hope no one is out looking for it .... if they are ... well .. oh well ... I’m just weird
F [26] 138 lbs 5'9 - This is my first nude that wasn't sent seeking someone else's validation. Just my own. There's still so much I doubt and desire about my body, but I want to learn to one day appreciate it for all it has given me.