Six weeks of going to the gym on the regular and maintaining what fitbit says is at least a 500 calorie deficit daily. Two pounds down. I don't even see a difference. F, 223, 5'4"
39M, 172 to 161 in 5 weeks. Can't seem to get rid of the belly fat no matter what I do tough. Trying to keep calories low and I exercise regularly. Suggestions?
f/22/5'11"/235lbs. 47"/41.5"/49.5", supposedly 28% body fat. Between the scars and the stretch marks, I'm basically a tiger. Started really counting calories and going to the gym this month. <3 this community.
"I’ve been eating like an absolute pig lately. I’ve been packing my little belly with high calorie, rich, yummy, greasy, fatty, delicious foods for every meal"