NSFW, Nudity. Hey everyone, I originally posted on progresspics and I got a LOT of hate even though the title is very clear. So I'm hoping this community will continue to be as supportive as it has in the past. F, 21, 5'7, 172<142, 12 months consistent
women's life consists in 2 activities: 1º) performing their inferiority reality-play in order to get accepted by the superior Men female inferiority prefers; and 2º) performing their superiority feminist role-play to dodge sex with inferior men and get re
Anal sex is one of the best symbols of Maledom: her willing pain for your pleasure (she doesn't want her pleasure; she wants your pleasure; her pleasure consists of pleasing you)
The natural fibers of leather will break down with the passage of time. Acidic leathers are particularly vulnerable to red rot, which causes powdering of the surface and a change in consistency. Damage from red rot is aggravated by high temperatures and r
Liquid latex is typically applied using a disposable sponge and takes about five to ten minutes to dry depending on how thick it is applied. As it dries it solidifies to a rubbery consistency and in the processes ends up shrinking about three percent. [wi
Optimal wine storage is right around 12°C/55°F. You want to shoot for consistent temperatures, as dramatic temperature fluctuations will also negatively impact a stored bottle of wine. Ideal humidity is between 65-75%. [http://wine.about.com/od/storingwin