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I've been told I look boyish. May I present compelling evidence to the contrary. [F]or the jury to deliberate!

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Contrary to popular belief, vibrators are actually a girl's best friend

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Contrary to popular belief, Egyptian Goddesses do exist

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Contrary to popular belief, this is post-sex sweat [f]

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So, MD feminists, this subreddit doesn't make you reject feminism, but, on the contrary, it teaches you that you *NEED* feminism (namely artificial gender equality) because of your very female inferiority. This is the most feminist subreddit out there

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The existence of inferior men is not a random feature within the human species; on the contrary, this feature is evolutionarily intended and has been developed via sexual selection. Both superior and inferior men exist just like there are different types

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Contrary to the belief, showering with a friend NEVER saves water.

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Contrary to Feminist doctrine, the Women's detachment of the Masculinist Security Forces were often the most abusive towards their Feminist prisoners. While themselves enslaved they took great pleasure in letting presumptuous Feminazi Cunts know they were

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Contrary to popular believe, Asian girls most definitely do not have small cocks [Li Moon]

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