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country men pictures and galleries

I know some of you have a country girl fetish

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Another country girl who has found something interesting to examine. I'm starting to have a curious country girl fetish.

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When going to other countries it is welcoming to see cunts entertain men.

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In rich countries of freedom you are the one to choose your job to earn money

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Because in modern developed countries, women choose the jobs that suit their needs.

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Wealthy countries' wise feminists struggled for their right to this. So this is the right they're liberatedly running in the present: the right to earn money by means of their wisdom.

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Poor countries whores do porn so they can ask for money. Rich countries whores ask for money so they can do porn.

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In rich countries of professional freedom, women choose the jobs that suit their needs, and their personal worth (#NotAllPorn is coerced and criminal)

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In countries of freedom and liberation, to women, the only alternative to this is not getting His love. This is the only truth you need to consider about feminism.

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In rich countries of freedom, of professional opportunities and of feminism, she makes money that way either because she is inferior or because she is empowered; choose your favorite interpretation.

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Women have 2 options: A) Living as inferior submissive beings with a man; B) Living on their own as superior beings. In poor countries women are forced to choose A). In wealthy countries of freedom, wise liberated feminists choose A) too, by their own fre

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First world feminists don't get the difference between rich countries' and poor countries' whores. Poor countries' feminists r whores bc it's their only option 2 earn money & survive. They're unwilling, false whores. Rich countries' feminists earn mon

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In poor countries you need to give women really really serious survival reasons for them to become prostitutes. In the rich First World you need to give women really really serious reasons for them to quit prostitution, and they won't even quit it then

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Developed countries' men liberated women because seeing women beat themselves as empowered, agency-endowed, man-independent feminists just in order to get male attention and acceptance was so much more fun

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So it is not freedom if you only want it for choosing what is best for you, is it? Here you have a free wealthy country sex worker. Blow jobs are her job. Because it best suits her needs.

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The Empire's low crime rate allows the country's women to service men, late at night, on the streets without the threat of assault.

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Poor countries' women sell their body for money because they have no choice. First World's women sell their body for money because they have the choice. Never underestimate the inferior hypergamous female mind

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In other words: if once given the freedom this is their idea of defending and furthering feminism itself, I don't even want to imagine how would they unsupervisedly govern a country

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In poor countries women prostitute themselves to earn money; they are unwilling, false, bad whores. In First World's countries of wealth, of freedom, of professional choices and of feminism women earn money to prostitute themselves; they're willing, good,

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In poor countries of survival women consider prostitution to be a criminal oppressive activity women beg the government to eradicate. In rich countries of freedom and professional choices feminists beg the government to legalize and protect prostitution,

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In poor countries women are mistreated against their will. In First World's countries of wealth, of professional opportunities, of freedom and of feminism women are smarter and they beg to be mistreated, but only to superior men

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Because we shouldn't omit that the country granting the immense majority of the Nobel prizes important in sciences to men is the most feminist country in the world

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Femdom Matriarchy now uses men as cattle, they now produce milk and it's better than a cow's milk. It helps our economy and employs women in our country

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Femdom shops sell the best obedient, trained, and healthy men in the country

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Who would do their duty for their country?

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TheSpaceHobo, he fights for country and creed. (xpost r/gaming)

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Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney - IMHO the hottest men in country music

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Country girls don't just like to milk cows they also like doing it for men.

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The US is one of only two countries that allows direct-to-consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals

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