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degrading women pictures and galleries

The Superior Men feminists prefer consider women are just degradeable fuck-meat objects for male amusement. This is a subreddit about women who freely and empoweredly prefer and choose Superior Men and being inferior amusement objects for those Superior M

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In other words: own destruction, degradation and pain is still and as well another "kind of benefit or pleasure" a person can offer and submit when they're so inferior (women) that they can't produce any positive creation that is important and superior

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So real sex is women hurting, degrading, mistreating and destroying themselves to amuse and pleasure a superior Man. Real sex is women sacrificing and destroying the only thing their female inferiority can deny inferior men, their dignity and respectabili

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Like r/maledom, the porn industry does not degrade women: it shows women degrading themselves

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Since own pain, degradation and self-destruction is the only contribution the unproductive and useless female inferiority can make in order to please a man, and since a superior Man is female inferiority's best option, then women only enjoy being mistreat

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I'm going to say some honest specification about this subreddit I'd understand many of you didn't get clearly: /r/MD's goal is not to degrade women; /r/MD's goal is to explore, clarify and explain good sex

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So degradation and loss of dignity gets female inferiority the superior men it needs and prefers. This is what makes women respectable people to inferior men

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So, if you walk to a woman you don't know and you ask her for sex, she'll consider it degrading and disrespectful. she's not fooling you. women actually need sex to be degrading and disrespectful, because they need to degrade themselves and to submit thei

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To a superior Man women simply are these pathetic worthless human-like cumdumps. To inferior men that is absolutely degrading, disrespectful, unacceptable and simply unreal, which is what women want inferior men to think by means of feminism. But superior

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So since female inferiority can only contribute its physical pain and moral degradation to the superior men it needs and prefers, then to women being respected is not a matter of dignity, but a matter of not having a relationship with everyone

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The only way women can get accepted by superior Men is to self-degrade to worthless inferior fuckmeat; but the fact that women actually are worthless inferior fuckmeat is what makes them prefer superior Men, and prefer and be incapable to submit anything

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Humiliated and Degraded Whores (2)

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Degraded! (GIF)

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Publicly degraded

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Why women enjoy sex better than men [Pussy Envy][Female Orgasms][male degradation]

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So women feel validationally happy when their physical pain and moral degradation succeed in amusing and getting enjoyed by a superior man. This is why women can validationally enjoy being mistreated as long as it is by a superior man

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To women there's only one shameful, immoral & prejudicial thing they can do: to lower or degrade themselves to inferior men. female inferiority sees in superior men its best & due reward. This is y being degraded & mistreated by superior men i

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women are so inferior the only unfake benefit they can contribute men is the proof of women themselves not being the ones gaining any benefit. This is why women contribute their pain & degradation to the superior men their female inferiority needs &am

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Gents, remember: developing scientific theories and new technologies are tasks only at the height of the male capabilities. However all women are good at making a sandwich, giving a blowjob or self-degrading, and they'll get upset if a superior man doesn'

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women r the primary source 4 misogyny, since they degrade themselves & beg 4 mistreatment 2 superior men. women r well capable of the awareness of their own worthlessness & inferiority, but they can get reparation out of respect, nice treatment &a

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So an inferior man wants a woman's body; a superior man wants a woman's consent, even her begging, & her happy will to get her degradation accepted by that superior man. Inferior men want women's body because they can't win their consent, and this is

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Having defeated the leader of the Amazon Rebellion. She is kept in a dungeon in chains and subject to incredible degradations. As the once proud Amazon Queen awaits the day she will give birth to her Conqueror's Child. A reminder that all women exist as v

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Serbian Girl Degraded And Anally Fucked In Public

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