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bless her democracy

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ladies 4 democracy

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Jada Liu's Dildos for Democracy

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Democracy makes me feel sexy

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After all, if female inferiority prefers and picks superior men, why would women need inferior men who are feminist and believe in female superiority? Considering inferior men are in the majority and democracy relies on the majority, take your guess

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female hypergamy perfectly knows that authentic male superiority is a minority feature and so male inferiority is the majority feature and democracy relies on majorities, so never underestimate female hypergamy: men are women's work field just like the na

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Authentic superior men are minority. Democracy runs on majorities. Never underestimate the inferior female brain: it has been evolving hypergamy for 200,000 years, feminism being the ultimate stage of this evolution

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feminists get abuse, mistreatment and semen from the superior male minority, and money from the inferior male majority; but thanks to democracy being a majority-based system, feminists can get presidencies from the inferior male majority too. NEVER undere

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Here's to the ban on Reddit in the world's largest "democracy" [f]

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democracy porn gifs