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In a given year, it costs roughly 躔 million to put seatbelts in every U.S. vehicle, which yields a rough estimate of ฮ,000 for every life saved. [SuperFreakonomics]

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Here are some photos from my estim in chastity session

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Hello everyone! im new to this sort of thing and would like to ask about rope length estimation, particularly the length needed for something like what I shared.

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Complete Timeline of Mal Malloy (estimated bra sizes from given measurements etc are in UK sizing)

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My parents kept nagging my big sister to get a job...little did they know she was the biggest earner in the household. I estimated she was easily making a couple thousand a week by the amount of condoms in her trashbin that she made me take out at the end

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Estimated Time in Traffic: [OC]

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He has 35% more shaving cream than me. You can do your own estimates on the difference in dick size.

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Cats can be very cute, but they're killing machines: outdoor cats are estimated to kill billions of birds and small mammals *each year*

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Cats can be very cute, but they're killing machines: outdoor cats are estimated to kill billions of birds and small mammals *each year*

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