
try search feminization brainwashing on or or or duckduckgo

feminization brainwashing pictures and galleries

After a heavy feminist reprogramming the internet revealed her feminism only applies to inferior men, and it is being reprogrammed as an inferior worthless honorless piece of fuck-meat that leads to being accepted by Superior Men. After this new brainwash

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Time 2 introduce healthy feminism vs toxic feminism. Toxic feminism brainwashes women into the idea that they authentically r as superior as men, although despite this female superiority men manage to oppress women so female athletes run slower or fem. sc

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The only existing "brainwashing Matrix" is the "Matrix" created by feminism for controlling inferior men. You will find no feminist married to an inferior man she has to maintain.

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So women don't want to be appreciated by unimportant insignificant inferior men or for all those inner virtues and qualities the RPG of feminism brainwashes inferior men into. women want to be appreciated by important superior men and for the things super

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feminism has brainwashed inferior men into the idea that women are superior people oppressed and disempowered into a fictitious role of female inferiority by the Patriarchy. This subreddit has shown women are inferior people empowered to a fictitious role

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