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fitness pro pictures and galleries

F20's, 5'7, 130 lbs - new fitness program, finally starting to love my body after years of self-esteem problems

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21F, 5'7", 160 lbs. Fitness hasn't been a priority for me lately, but I'm proud of my body, even if I am a little plumper than I used to be.

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[M 50+] and [F 60+] Trying to get fit and eat right. Both have lost weight and body fat. This is what many years of marriage looks like.

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Spent most of my life insecure about my dark, lippy vulva and feeling like I needed to go under the knife to fit the ideal. Here's one small step towards acceptance.

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working on my fitness [Female 165]

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27 5'11" 175lbs former chubby guy finally fit and confident in my body

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34/M Have always had insecurities about my fitness and size. I've come to embrace and even flaunt it lately.

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52/M/6'/180lbs..don't seem to fit in for many specific subs.

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Kristina - fuckathon fitness

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A fit pro

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19/F never could find anything helpful online about my asymmetrical breasts, never had a bra that fits. I'm fine.

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F/23/145 lbs. After a lifetime of body insecurity I was happy with what I saw in the mirror this morning. Proud of my fitness progress.

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24F 5'1" 120lbs. Feeling a bit down after someone took it upon themselves to PM me about how my stomach and butt are not so good and that I should be a lot more fit at my age. Thanks to everyone who supported me, but this is likely my last post here. Good

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24/F/5'1"/120 Feeling a little better about the bod today. Went out with a pretty fit guy... but can guys like that really like girls whose fat rolls have rolls of their own?

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[19M - 5'6"-ish] I'm fit but a little insecure about my height and how skinny I am. I also feel like I'm a bit too hairy down there :/

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45/5' 9"/215lbs...nothing fits....going to the gym for the first time in forever today to avoid buying pants the next size up...and feel better about myself.

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M44 (hope the M part is obvious :) 6'2" 225lb on a fitness journey back to my goal weight of 200lb

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Fitness bikini pro Julie Bonnett

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F/19/5'5"/112lbs. I hate my body. I go into fits of self-hatred that cause me to avoid social events because I just look at everyone and feel so inferior. My chest is flat. Everything is flat. I am painfully average. I started posting nudes online to boos

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(20F, 5'3", 150 lbs) Self-conscious about bloated stomach and boob gap. Going to the gym and pole fitness to lose weight.

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