News from around the world: Free women in Pussiana now have to pay additional 5% tax for parking fees. The Department of Transportation said "it will force freewomen to use public transportation more often. Thus generating greater revenue"
On Slave World, when older women are enslaved, their heads are shaved and they are forced to perform a public display of sluttery at the local mall where all their friends will see them.
The Hollywood Starlet is punished for starring in a Red Feminist propaganda film by being forced to serve as human furniture for the Misogynist Senator. Through public examples of extreme humiliation, the 1950s wave of Feminists were tamed into docile, ob
For attempting to lead a Feminist Rebellion against Patriarchy, the heroines were forced to endure a humiliating march naked in the public streets. As loyal slave girls joined in mocking them and pelting them with rotten fruit