"Longwood" a school few have heard of whose name connotes sexual double entendres. The word "entendre" is obsolete French literally "double;" its first known use is 1673. Modern French uses "double sens" instead; the phrase "double entendre" has no real m
"Longwood" a school few have heard of whose name connotes sexual double entendres. The word "entendre" is obsolete French literally "double;" its first known use is 1673. Modern French uses "double sens" instead; the phrase "double entendre" has no real m
The first known depiction of a heart as a symbol of romantic love dates to the 1250s. It occurs in a French manuscript, where a kneeling lover offers his heart to a damsel. The heart resembles a pine-cone (the point facing upward), in accord with medieval
Corinne Cléry is a French actress. She is known for being a Bond girl in Moonraker (1979). She also starred in the first dirty movie I ever saw, The Story of O (1975), and then another dirty one in Hitch-Hike (1977)