
try search fuck yeah they r on or or or duckduckgo

fuck yeah they r pictures and galleries

Holy shit, they're actually in public

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We got the thumbs up, all clear, so they can't be too drunk, right?

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When they sober up and find this on Facebook.

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How many more shots, 'til they're nekkid'?

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Suggestive Sluts hint at what they want tonight

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They practice every chance they get

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They're getting there

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They're so happyyyyy

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Indiana. The Midwest has very high value relative to money in escort terms, though girls in most college towns won't do it because they're afraid of running into professors or friends's dads. Still, money is money and puss is cheap. Cheap is beautiful but

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You know what they say about friends who take naked selfies together

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What they wore for Halloween

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How did they get naked???

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Indiana update. The Midwest still has very high value relative to money in escort terms, though girls in most college towns won't do it because they're afraid of running into professors or friends's dads. Still, money is money and puss is cheap. Cheap is

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They Love The Attention

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University of Southern Florida update -- Florida has a great value proposition for hookers, but many of them are drug-addled and present-oriented to the extent that it's worth hiding everything of worth before they enter the room, lest they grab whatever

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hofstra, cow warning on that second pic, sorry. fortunately cows mostly eat grass and aren't much of a threat, unless they're drunk and attempt to fall on or mount you

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Ever wonder why they call em cockroaches? Yeah, me neither, and quite frankly I didn't want to know.

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I think they're sisters. Pick.

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Suggestive Sluts hint at what they want tonight

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They're so happyyyyy

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They're having fun

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They're getting there

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We got the thumbs up, all clear, so they can't be too drunk, right?

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When they sober up and find this on Facebook.

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How many more shots, 'til they're nekkid'?

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They practice every chance they get

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How they drink vodka in Amsterdam

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Them nudes, they are a-poppin'

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