Me and my girlfriend are slowly getting into the whole cuckolding scene, and she agreed for me to upload these pictures of her tits/body. She insisted on keeping her face out though. Sorry fellas.
f19 5'9" 145 please rate me honestly and give reasons! it took a lot of courage to take to the internet but im curious what others think of my body. Also to all males or f, would you say i am skinny/average/chubby/overweight or somewhere in between those?
[M] Crohn's and a hickman line have made me very insecure about my body especially because of my smaller than average penis. Honest feedback and advice welcome
I documented my 6+ months naked progress, and wanted to share it with you, hopefully it can encourage some hardgainers like me, M 25, From 125 to 144 lbs, but more important, from feeling uncomfortable and ashamed of my body, to feeling proud of my progre