Wonder Woman grudgingly makes her way over to the Villian's harem mistress to try on even more revealing slave lingerie to satisfy the lust of her new Master
The Harem Mistress had learned to work her way up the hierarchy, even having the honor of her Master's seal tattooed above her pubic region. Now she enjoyed the privilege of tormenting her young slave rivals by drinking their breastmilk and forcing them t
The Misogynist Guards treat the Feminist political prisoners as their own personal harem of fuck slaves. It doesn't matter how high-ranking these Feminist Leaders were in their old lives, now they are just the sexual property of any thug who wants them
Slave girls can be remarkably cruel and catty to any ex-Feminists added to their harem. They blame the Feminists for starting the Sex War, and hate their superior attitude. This former activist is near tears, when her Master finds her bound next to the cl
Harem Mistresses exhibit such absolute power over slaves, sometimes its easy to forget that they are still slaves themselves. She never forgets however, and grabs the defiant Feminist brat by the ear reminding her "you get whipped, I get whipped."
State policy might have necessitated keeping the fallen Ukrainian Prime Minister in the Russian President's harem as a naked, humbled, slave in the ultimate propaganda coup. But his wife was not the least bit happy about it, and was determined that the bi
The Feminist Secret Agent had been assigned an elite mission to rescue slave-girls from the personal harem of the MRA Dictator, so that they could be interrogated about his personal information. Instead their tongues are now used to interrogate the privat