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how about never pictures and galleries

He said she'd never work another day in her life. He wasn't specific about how she would spend them otherwise.

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Irelia, I dunno how I feel about this one

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Our schedules never line up, how about a [kik] session for later?

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I posted a while back about my bully getting to take out the girl that i've been asking out for months. You guys wanted a follow up, so I messaged him how it went. He sent the bottom picture to me. I knew that I never had a real chance with her. He's an a

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My gorgeous and sexy goddess/wife showing me once again how she feels about my locked up tiny penis (a.k.a. my clit). As she locked me up she said "Wow, honey, none of my exes would have come close to fitting in this! I've never seen one in my life that w

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