21/f/~150-155lbs. I've never been this open about my body with anyone, not even significant others. Stretch marks, lots-o-cellulite, extra fat, large arms, strange breasts, but in the process of losing weight (roughly 10lbs down).
[pic] I’ve been hearing that some chicks who are addicted to sucking black cock are keeping a running tally of how many they’ve had with little dash tattoos on their right ass cheek.
[pic] Surveys show that 41 percent of female executives say the only thing an office holiday party is good for is sucking that huge cock they’ve been fantasizing about.
27F 5'2" 125lbs. I recently gained about 15 lbs because of an IUD, and have been struggling to get rid of it... I know I'm not "fat", but I'm the biggest I've ever been and I don't feel super great about it. Also, always been self concious about my lopsid
34 M 6'3" Started at at 380, last update was 345 and now only down to 335 thus far, but had a rough patch 2015-spring of 2019. Been doing a lot of redistrubition of fat into muscle though, even though it may not be super obvious in the pics.