
try search i feel like i am on or or or duckduckgo

i feel like i am pictures and galleries

Birthday present to my boyfriend (who encouraged me to post it online). I feel like I am confident in myself . . . but am still nervous!

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Was lifting and finally gaining healthy weight. Got into a string of injuries and feel like I've lost it all. I guess I'm just looking for motivation? I feel like I've always been a stick and am destined to be so.

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I like substantial derrieres... I am unable to misreprestnt my feelings on this.

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Merry hellos. Boy little here! I'm new! Here I am getting a little naughty with my baby blankie on a very cold morning ♥ I hope that it's alright that a boy lttle is posting here ♥♥♥ I feel like that the girl littles way outnumber the boy littles on this

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I disobeyed daddy. Hurry up and make me feel like the stupid whore I am.

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I'm 22, and my friend says I'm big...I don't really feel like I am. :/

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M/6'3"/192 poundsI have what feels like a lot of extra body fat around my stomach and I am really struggling to lose it

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[19M - 5'6"-ish] I'm fit but a little insecure about my height and how skinny I am. I also feel like I'm a bit too hairy down there :/

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Disappointed my master last night. Humiliate me. Make me feel like the shit sissy I am ;)

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How lucky am I to have sisters that can take it in the ass when ever I feel like it?

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I just finished a huge breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, pancakes, et cetera. I am so full I feel like I could actually pop. There may be lots of burps today.

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I am feeling hot horny tool a boobie photo for the first time mmmh I am wet.

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I feel like I am slowly starting to enjoy my new life..

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It isn't gay if I feel like a woman, am I right?

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I am not sure if you like to make her feel free to check it out

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6'1 [F] 27. I've lost like 30 lbs and am finally feeling good about my tum again

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He always has the ability, to make me feel like the total bottom slut I am.

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I feel like I am a giantess ;) [oc]

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M/28/6'1" 155 to 170 I've always been the tall skinny kid, still am but I feel like I'm getting closer to looking more proportional!

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