I don't know what would 1850s' feminists have thought if they knew that modern feminists make money by shitting on feminism to male amusement, liberatedly and willingly.
When you come back from a business trip only to find out what a naughty slut your wife has been. She'd like to know what would you do to her next time I'm out!
The local black bullies think it is funny to tease you by saying your mom has a slutty tattoo. But you know she would never have something like that, right?
Can't find the artist for this piece? Everything I've tried so far to find them has failed, so I now resort to outside help haha. If anyone knows that would be great!
/u/ PrincessPixie87 is kind of the exception to the rule that dicks don't get upvoted on Gonewild. But if you send her a PM, spare her you pathetic dick pics and just pose with your ass up and ready for her, you both know who would be the bottom.