Remember: this is NOT a subreddit on men maltreating women; this is a subreddit on women making the men they admire maltreat those women themselves, to keep those admired men's love.
MD feminists, this woman's day is a good day to remember that your greatest aspiration in life as females is that of being accepted and treated accordingly to the actuality and biologicality of your inferiority by the superior men that are your female inf
Gents, remember: women are concerned about getting a male partner who's superior to other men (inferiority is logically picky about its partner the complementary gender). So being picky is womanly and inferior. This is y inferior men are picky about women
Gents, remember: it's the inferior one that needs the superior one, not the other way around, and so it's women that pursue superior men, and this is what you want. This means that if you have to approach or pursue her, it's you yourself already turning i