
try search i prefer mens because i like the on or or or duckduckgo

i prefer mens because i like the pictures and galleries

Nothing says "I want your pleasure" like the acceptance of the own pain.

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feminists say women like and enjoy sex as much as Men. So, here you have a happy woman enjoying sex. Since she's enjoying it as much as him, she won't ask for any payment in exchange after the sex. If anything, she paid and begged for it

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Only superior men logically know first-hand the actuality of women's inferiority. To women inferior men are like "social noise" women try to get useful things from (such as status, quotas, presidencies or money) via the institutionalisation of hypergamy a

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Artificial gender equality defenders have learned that the superior Men they need and prefer don't like and don't accept feminism. This hasn't made them reject feminism, but it has made them use the principles of feminism against inferior men, which is a

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the belt is hers, just like she is his

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She's a feminist and she knows well her rights for rejecting the men she dislikes; but when she likes a man, she knows she has to please him with her best qualities.

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Like r/maledom, the porn industry does not degrade women: it shows women degrading themselves

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Like any animal, the inferior female must be broken into. She must be trained how to present herself when presented with a penis. She was made for this purpose and she accepts her place below the male when she realizes that the only thing that will satisf

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If her makeup doesn't look like the Jokers when you're done half assed it

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Hey, if it is her profession then it is compatible with feminism and it isn't mistreatment. Remember, MD Gentlemen, sometimes you will also need to think like the female brain

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women like being natural, so superior Men treat them like the inferior fuck-meat they naturally are. women only like being artificial when they demand artificial gender equality to inferior men

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It is not beauty being submissive; it is submission, and inferiority, being beautiful. Submission and inferiority are like the dynamics of beauty.

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So the reason why women want to be treated like respectable superior people by inferior men via feminism isn't that women are superior, but that being treated like the inferior worthless dump meat women are is the only thing women can contribute superior

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Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex

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Smart modern feminists know the social cliché that it's bad to be abused and mistreated just to male sexual enjoyment is something inferior men say so women don't submit to superior men. she's proud she's in charge of her sexuality and likes sex as much a

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feminists say feminism is about gender right equality. This means women should have the right to submit like the real fuckmeat they biologically are to real, superior Men plus the right to get money from inferior men via quotas and other non-guilty female

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The modern Internet is not Men debasing women: it's women debasing women. The reason is that web places like this little known subreddit have helped modern feminists understand that their inferiority is the logical attribute that gets them the superior Me

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Every feminist needs to see covered and solved the question of getting accepted by a superior Man for her actual inferiority. Only then she'll show herself to the society as a conceited superior feminist that treats inferior men like the same shit she is

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Not all women are like the ones shown here. We all know real life women aren't picky about men and they prefer inferior men, specially in their youth and years of party. women give their best thing, their inner beauty, to inferior men, and they give their

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We can define post-truth as a new form of politics where the things said aren't like the real world, but the real world is like the things said (whether true or not). A perfect example of post-truth methodology is feminism: real life women are as superior

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The existence of inferior men is not a random feature within the human species; on the contrary, this feature is evolutionarily intended and has been developed via sexual selection. Both superior and inferior men exist just like there are different types

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This subreddit could b thought as a pictorial illustration of what the life of a superior man looks like. From this viewpoint this subreddit shows as well the reasons why superior men laugh so hard when they see women using feminism for tricking inferior

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Within our concept frame, we can easily state that the basic gift female inferiority contributes superior men is a "differential gift", consisting in the simple female behavior of not getting angry when the superior man mistreats her, like she would get a

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MD feminists, remember that in order to look like important people to inferior men you must do things like tomorrow's feminist march; but in order to look beautiful and 'important' to the superior men your female inferiority needs & prefers, you must

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women r perfectly ok with being inferior human garbage, bc they r human garbage 2 superior men. What women oppose is the offense of being treated like garbage *by inferior men*, bc inferior men aren't superior either, but they're inferior too, so women sh

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Another liberated smart feminist liberatedly and smartly liking sex as much as men do. By day she has fun running for president and getting elected the smartest president by the inferior male majority, so she can keep extending affirmative action and quot

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Political correctness doesn't mean women's right not to be treated like inferior people by inferior men women aren't inferior to can only translate into inferior men having to treat women like superior people, but feminism knows the inferior men's inferio

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A hypothetical superior woman would not like being treated like an inferior woman for the simple reason that she's not inferior. But an inferior woman doesn't like being treated as inferior either if it has to be done by inferior men, bc being treated as

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So the reason why women don't want to be treated like inferior by inferior men is not that women aren't inferior, but that female inferiority doesn't want to be with inferior men, but only with superior men (and so women only want to be treated according

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So feminism just tries to make the society acknowledge the logical truth of the idea that women's right not to be treated like inferior people by men that are inferior too can't get obstructed by women's right to be treated like inferior people by superio

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female hypergamy perfectly knows that authentic male superiority is a minority feature and so male inferiority is the majority feature and democracy relies on majorities, so never underestimate female hypergamy: men are women's work field just like the na

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So women's necessity of being treated respectfully and like presidents by inferior men (that is, feminism) is logical to female inferiority's necessity of being accepted as inferior and in its inferiority by the superior men that are that female inferiori

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So when women publish their nudes they don't mean they r like that 2 all men, but only 2 the superior men they try 2 interest by those pics. When women want 2 get respect & quotas from inferior men they don't post nudes, but they don't publish scienti

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women want to be like worthless shit to superior men (so they get their female inferiority accepted by the best men). Then they want to be like presidents to inferior men because feminism (so they get their female inferiority paid with the best wages)

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In other words: feminists want to be treated like shit by the top 1% of men, and like presidents by the bottom 99% of men. This is why feminists will vote for a president to the wife of a former male president, as the pinnacle of feminism, knowing they ca

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The fact that female inferiority wants to be treated like shit by superior men makes inferior men believe they can treat women like shit too, but inferior men are inferior too and so they're shit too, which is why women need feminism against inferior men

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